Hanged man

Hanged Man

Boss Guide

Hanged Man is the first boss with a wipe mechanic that will end the fight immediately. The time until wipe is indicated by the cylinders at the pedestal in the middle of the room filling with red fluid. When the cylinders are completely full the boss will unleash it's wipe mechanic. This mechanic can be avoided by picking up a cube from next to the cylinders but beware, the boss will enter a frenzied state until the cube is replaced. The aim is for one player to pick up the cube while 3 others repeatedly destroy the crit spot that shows up occasionally in the boss' mouth. In this boss fight, you need 3 shooters and 1 runner:


Equip as much HP & DEF as possible.

At the 8 min mark the runner should move to the centre of the room and pick up the cube from its pedestal.

The runner should be aware of the boss' attacks and remain near the centre while rotating around the pedestal. The floor will occasionally be lightning charged dealing damage, the boss will also occasionally fire a devastating conical attack that should be avoided at all costs.

Once the fluid has been reduced to an acceptable level the runner should return the cube to the pedestal.

Typically the cube can be replaced after 2 crit spot breaks but if you're tanky enough you can buy more time by waiting for more.


Angle away from the boss' mouth, his cone attack is lethal to the squishier dps players.

As the boss prepares to fire the cone attack a crit spot will form in its mouth, breaking this reduces the fluid levels in the centre of the room.

Alternate between focus fire to break this crit spot and destroying the additional mobs that spawn in the room to spawn ammo and health pickups.

The crit spot is significantly easier to break when focus fired, all runners should communicate and shoot together to avoid missing opportunities due to a lack of dps.

Hanged man

Anticipated Ambush Point

Gold Farm
Kuiper Farm

This mission can be completed incredibly quickly using bunny to maximise gold, kuiper and code breaker drops.


Sterile Land - Rockfall


Stand at the mission start interactable start the mission as soon as it becomes available.

Any descendant is suitable for this role. Every 10-15 runs pause to collect and dismantle loot.


Should be a bunny for maximum efficiency. Clear all mobs as fast as possible, then burst down the boss and get into position to repeat as the starter restarts the mission.


Code Breakers (all varieties)

Gold (+-5mil per hour)

Kuiper Shards (+-800k per hour)